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  • If you are working do you have time to Blog ?

    Posted on July 15th, 2010 imveritas 2 comments

    Good point!

    I have been very busy with many projects and have left the blog for 4 weeks.

    WOW! 30 days.

    That is a good sign.

    I know some people would “die” if they didnt post every-day or surf Aff-Buzz (great resource btw.)

    I have noticed, too. That many other busy people have short blog posts and sometimes they actually get a useful piece in there.

    Why do people blog ? Why do I blog ?

    Well, to be heard, to make money, to fulfill ego, to interact and socialize when far away or not in a space & place that they chose to interact with and probably a few more that don’t even come to mind.

    I find myself coming back to the ones that have useful information and actually do not post much (Bryn does a great job and so does Ruck of C2M)

    So, if you are working do you have time for a blog?

    For me its more  a time-drain.

    But, then again Im not making a name for myself (unless it’s that I am an honest pain-in-the-ass [for the right reasons])

    I do see the “link-baiting” going on on blogs and forums and newbies buying product’s getting on lists for promotions.

    I think its sad.

    Reminds me of Trump University.

    Sad to see so many selling the “dream” vs. selling results and material that is generalized and watered down.

    I just hope they left enough capital for testing or like Han Solo in  “Star Wars.”

    It is going to be a short ride.


  • How Face Book Ads work.

    Posted on June 15th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    “Face Book is the NEW Google.”

    “People made a killing on Google. FB should be just easy.”

    Have you heard that ?

    Well its not exactly the whole story.

    Yes, people are making thousands (who have that to start with.)

    There is an initial drain you will have to go through before you make money.

    Here is how it works:

    If, you get an ad approved (BIG IF) AND you pay a high enough CPC (some of them are scary $1.50 for ages 21-25 male single keyword ‘scrabble’ ???!!!)

    You will get impressions/traffic.

    Now,  here is where it gets tricky…

    If, you do not have a high enough CTR on your ad. You ad will get less traffic and soon none at all. (looks like collapsing sine waves on the graph. Each peak lower than the last)

    You, also, have to have a high enough CTR over time to have your bids lowered.

    So, you have to spend money to find ads with high CTR and then hope the offer stays around long enough to get your CPC cost to a + ROI.

    That is almost as perverse as Googles Ad Quality Score, but at least you know what you have to do here.

    Oh, and one more thing that no one tells you.

    People can rate your ads.

    Those little “thumbs” and “x” you see next to an ad.

    People can select those and if you get enough ‘x’s

    1. Your ad cost goes up

    2. You get less impressions

    3. Your ad gets banned

    4. You lose your account

    5. Banned for life

    (these are the levels of ‘threat’ FB can enforce)

    So, keep that in mind.

    Yes, FB ads DO work AND you have to put more into them then they say in time and money (you need hundreds of ads to find the ones that work as far as images and ad copy too.)


    Posted on May 6th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    This is a rarity that I post 2x in the same day. I am too busy doing to write.

    I am making an exception, since millions of buyers are trusting PAYPAL and having ‘false-sense’ of security that like their bank or credit card. If there is a problem PAYPAL will be their ‘knight in shining armor’



    I just got done with a 45minute talk with PAYPAL that was escalated up 3 levels.

    To sum it up and each level at PAYPAL told me this…



    So, any services, course, e-books, hosting… etc. etc. ARE NOT COVERED BY REFUND VIA PAYPAL!


    Stick with AMEX or your Major bank (though they can also NOT back you) if you buy ANYTHING you think you may want a refund on or have an issue with and even then. Contact them ahead of time and ask them their policy on refunds on non-physical items IE: service, ebooks and training.


    You have been warned. Have a nice day :)


  • Back to Business: Ad:tech and the Return of the Dark Knight

    Posted on April 26th, 2010 imveritas 1 comment


    It was another wild and eventful Ad:tech.

    Where as, most bloggers have already been posting up their party pics, who they met, where they ate.  etc. etc.

    I have been deep in the trenches and getting the REAL speak on what is and is not in the Internet Marketing World.

    And Folks… ITS CRAP!!!

    The amount of stuff going on that is costing you money and the lack of recourse is startling.

    I have posted many reasons why you may be suffering in online marketing or maybe you succeeded and then got ‘swat’ back down and now finding it harder and harder to get back on top.

    I feel you.

    And I am here to tell you the landmines out there (remember: landsmines are meant to be NOT seen and to cripple & maim, as well, as kill you!)

    The 1st one I am going to tell you. Is your enemy is NOT the tracking, traffic, networks, banks, IRS, or FTC.

    IT’s the damn offers you are promoting !!!

    You would think they would want you to be successful.

    Sorry, only in Berkley and Cuba does socialism exist.

    They want to make money and if they can keep more to them-self.

    THEY WILL!!!

    How did we discover this ?

    Well, After out great idea of the ‘PERFECT NETWORK’ (3rd party accounting verification & hardened credit card & bank wire level tracking)

    We took the idea to the floor of Ad:tech.

    Like we assumed.

    Affiliates loved it and wanted to sign up right away. Even Networks wanted to know what and how and jump on.

    Want to know who told us to F*off ???

    The offers!!! ( I wont name names, since there is no way in hell I will go toe-to-toe in a slander suit with them)

    They had no issue with hardened tracking, BUT when we mentioned 3rd party accounting so that affiliate, network AND offers knew that everything was legit.

    They kindly told us to F*off.

    There was no way they were going to let the outside world know what their real numbers were.

    So Yes, networks scrub and shave.

    Know why ?

    Because offers, even well know brands, WONT PAY THEM !!!

    I know 3 top name affiliate companies owed not thousands but multi-millions from offers that never paid them, BUT they paid their affiliates. (Thank You Azoogle, ads4dough, Neverblue, AKMG, Rev202, C2M, ECM, MaxBounty, Market Leverage, EWANET and anyone else still in business that has gotten screwed by your offers. They paid us EVEN WHEN THEY WERE NOT!)

    So, the next time you want blame someone.

    Start at the top!!!

    I’m going to post all the info I discovered and verified at Ad:tech.

    Hold onto your wallets and if your traffic isn’t profitable. Scale back or pause it. You WILL want to know these, BEFORE you spend more money and watch it go down the drain.


  • Another reason you failure or succeed.

    Posted on April 14th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    I read again today that the biggest difference between those who make money and those don’t.

    Is whether they are tracking and optimizing and how  Accurate and Constant they are at it.

    On the internet you can track anything and everything.

    Government, institutions and high school students do it all the time.

    So, who doesn’t track ?

    Most online marketers at the beginning level?

    Sometimes is technical. Many times is ignorance and laziness.

    There is not one successful advertising company in the world that does not track every possible variable they can.

    Some even come up with new ways and add to the field of statistics and analytical research.

    If the super big boys are tracking and crunching numbers.

    Why aren’t you ?


  • FaceBook Slap! We called it first !

    Posted on April 13th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    While kinda.

    If you look in our pages section. We did post about the changes at FB and how now the people have spoken and don’t like the current ads.

    The last few days the blogs on AFFBUZZ (we mentioned them  a long time ago) are full of  the new policy’s and I am hearing of the bloodshed.

    5 figure incomes shredded.

    Well, what did you expect ?

    Google did it, AOL online before them. Now, FaceBook!

    Sorry guys.

    I have said this since my 1st month in PPC.

    That we need to look at the past and learn.

    Apply the lessons of the Columbia Record club, CAN-SPAM, Infor-mercials.

    All the ‘grey’ and ‘black’ hat marketing and lawsuits that have happened from them.

    I have read some marketers whining about how FaceBook and Google should NOT dictate policy and that people can make their own choices.

    Sorry, industry and government disagree and they are larger then you.

    I have always said and will always say.

    Get the lawyers, marketers, accountants and consumers all working together.

    You don’t need to screw people over to make money and fast money is no good if you leave pissed people you cant go back to.

    No one likes to be screwed or conned AND we all love a great deal and getting more then we paid for.

    I dont like censorship. I also do not like ‘crap’ and FB and Google are just trying to keep what they think is ‘crap’ by level of complaints ‘off their porch’

    I dont like it, but if it was your network. Would you really be any different if a group of advertisers were pissing off your customer base ?

    Easy to point fingers when its not your “house” people are “defacing”

    Anyway, Lets find out what the consumers want and FTC and traffic sources will allow and make all sides happy.

    That’s GOOD business!


  • Better than Money ? The TRUTH of What WORKS!!!

    Posted on April 12th, 2010 imveritas 2 comments

    So, the other forum I posted my strategy on is now on fire.

    You would think no one had ever posted anything of detail that works.

    The truth is few have.

    The forum owner comes closest and maybe 3 members, but even I have noticed exact details and long descriptions are now lacking and posts about favorite movies and stupid sh*t is now popping up.

    Who pays money each month to hear about stupid sh*t?

    I DONT!!!

    I pay to make back at least $5 dollars for every $1 I spend (and you should too!)

    So, here is the complete step-by-step Money making plan:

    15 Minutes to Fame: How to Make Money from 1000′s of targets in CPV/PPV and not Lose TONS of Money!!!





    1) find a trend. go to google insight and type in any CPA/CPS offer vertical or offer and you will see certain days, months, years are better.

    2) use a scrapper and pull all the keywords and urls related 10 deep (yes that will be a few thousand) Remove any that obviously are not specific and have high volume traffic IE: diet and

    3) set-up tracking whatever traffic source you are using

    4) pause your creatives NOT campaign while you  get your links and keywords approved

    5) set your caps for minium. I set mine for $10. Set your bids for 1-3 positions. (you need steady traffic to test effectively)

    6) once you have everything approved. UNpause your creative.

    7) watch the traffic very 15min. Get rid of any targets that are more expensive than your payout.

    8) after 15min. to 1hr you will see what targets have volume and maybe even conversions.

    9) pause ALL other targets you have and let this block of performing targets run for 2hrs.

    10) pause and optimize. then run optimized targets in next 2hr-3hr block of daily traffic.

    IE: 8-10am, 11am-1pm, 3pm-6pm, 7pm-10pm

    11) once you have a block of targets optimized you can run them at different time blocks and see if you can get a better ROI on time targeting segmentation.

    12) repeat process for each traffic source to scale.

    This Method maximizes targeting  for consistant volume targets and saving capital for actual performers!!!

    You find what has volume, what is making you money and stop wasting money on what doesnt convert or get traffic.

    You can set up 1000′s of these. Since, there are 1000′s of offers and 1,000,000′s of targets.

    There are some nuances I will have in the members section to make you more money.

    This should be a BIG START!!!

    Now, go get testing methodically ;)


  • Gone for 7 Days.

    Posted on April 11th, 2010 imveritas 1 comment

    I was taking action what were you doing ?

    In the last 7 days I have put up 36 campaigns, posted (on another blog…never again)  over 20 helpful messages and 3 complete methods (dont worry. I have more detail here and it was a private blog) and have been 1st run noted in 2 newsletters not once but 2x!

    Not bad for 7days.

    Oh, and ROI for the week was 31%

    So, I am back with alot more to post and I will be posting exclusively here.

    I might give a small tip on other forums, but ALL the best will be here free for general information and details in the membership side. Plus, anything I post elsewhere. I will post here to in the proper section.

    Which, will be launching before July 4th.

    People want their freedom NOW not later and I AGREE!

    So, posting and helping others on more advanced forums, as well as, my own testing and running  my own campaigns. Continues to give me unique insight that I dont see posted anywhere else and I will get that information out here as fast as I can.

    Sometimes in drips, sometimes in burst. ALL the time real and legit information.

    If you have not read all the pages and posts on here.

    Do it!

    The blog is small but is wont be for long and I am not putting any fluff on here.

    If it is on here. I wish someone had told me earlier or someone has told me. They wish they knew this sooner for all the time and money it saves them.

    I am, also, not going to be greedy at all.

    In the membership side I will be posting actual campaigns you can do.

    Why? Because we are always testing and diversify. The pool is massive in size!

    There is sooo much money and people and desire and opportunity and traffic and platforms…and..and.. You get the point.

    As one of my mentors said, “Its not about getting a slice of the pie and none left for some-one else. The pie just keeps getting bigger and bigger. There IS enough for everyone!”

    I havent seen anyone stop having babies !!! (cept china tried to slow down) and we all know children and teens and young adults and parents and grandparents… ALL CONSUME and will continue too.

    So, Im back.

    Im here ONLY and I think I have abused the word ‘and’ enough, but you get the point.

    Look for how things can work NOT how they cant or be fair and do both. Leaning towards the 1st.


  • Keep a Log or Lose your cash

    Posted on April 5th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Simple thing, but something I find few do.

    When you start a campaign or offer or ad platform.

    Type the information into excel or some spreadsheet.

    If you have a project management software I highly recommend that. But at least a spreadsheet.

    This way when you go to do your optimization it is very easy to see when you started a offer or maybe made a change and see in your tracking data what the result is.

    The faster and more accurate you can be at finding what works and doesnt. The more money you will make and greater peace of mind.

    And dont you want both ?


  • Advertisers and How to work with them

    Posted on April 4th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Keep in mind. No matter what they say.

    Ad Networks want you to spend money.

    They may say they care about ROI.

    BUT, anyone who has worked on both sides. Knows there is an endless supply of business’s looking for customers.

    You know you are dealing with a typical advertiser when they say “Oh, your campaign isnt converting? Lets add MORE keywords, targets, dollars.”

    When has tossing money after a loser every worked ?

    In the members forum I give specific money management rules to be used when testing, optimizing and scaling. I also point out the different metrics for different ad platforms. Mobile banners convert differently than txtlinks.  Mobile banners also have a different conversion then say Online.

    So, do not let an advertiser tell you to spend more if their network has not shown a conversion on what you know to be converting targets or at least a significant sample of tight targets.

    “Keep your powder dry”
