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  • OOPS!

    Posted on March 20th, 2014 imveritas No comments

    Like many.

    I can start out with great ideas and then get sidetracked or lose interest.

    Unlike many.

    I come back. Keep my word. ‘Close Loops’

    Months ago I stated I was going to post some ‘good dirt’

    I will now ‘catch up’ on this promise.

    Some I will have to filter because A) I am not a lawyer and do not want to get into ‘lawyering; B) There are some real ‘sick’ people out there that if you say ‘boo’. Will spend all their time and talent they have making your online and offline life a ‘nightmare’. I, also, do not have time and money to deal with such.

    So, I will admit up-front. I filter and have too.

    Look for posts on weekends or when ‘breaking news’
