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  • If you are working do you have time to Blog ?

    Posted on July 15th, 2010 imveritas 2 comments

    Good point!

    I have been very busy with many projects and have left the blog for 4 weeks.

    WOW! 30 days.

    That is a good sign.

    I know some people would “die” if they didnt post every-day or surf Aff-Buzz (great resource btw.)

    I have noticed, too. That many other busy people have short blog posts and sometimes they actually get a useful piece in there.

    Why do people blog ? Why do I blog ?

    Well, to be heard, to make money, to fulfill ego, to interact and socialize when far away or not in a space & place that they chose to interact with and probably a few more that don’t even come to mind.

    I find myself coming back to the ones that have useful information and actually do not post much (Bryn does a great job and so does Ruck of C2M)

    So, if you are working do you have time for a blog?

    For me its moreĀ  a time-drain.

    But, then again Im not making a name for myself (unless it’s that I am an honest pain-in-the-ass [for the right reasons])

    I do see the “link-baiting” going on on blogs and forums and newbies buying product’s getting on lists for promotions.

    I think its sad.

    Reminds me of Trump University.

    Sad to see so many selling the “dream” vs. selling results and material that is generalized and watered down.

    I just hope they left enough capital for testing or like Han Solo inĀ  “Star Wars.”

    It is going to be a short ride.



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