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  • Lie #2

    Posted on April 7th, 2011 imveritas No comments

    “It’s automated! Just sit back and the money rolls in.”

    I was going to do the next Lie on the “Lie of money”

    But, as I looked at more ads out there I see that “push-button-money-machines” are all the rage again and this topic feeds into the 1st.

    First of all. If, the software is that automated and comprehensive. It will cost you more than the average person has and even the mid-level affiliate. Think $5000 to $50000 and even more depending on the scale.

    Even, with the most advanced software to automate. There are many things that can happen or go wrong.

    Unless, you have a crack support team and scripts to check everything. Problems can come up and you not knowing about them. Costing you dearly.

    Again, who when they start. Can hire a team? Let alone some top monitoring and control software? The guy who just lost his job or the girl who wants to make a little more money and still go to school or raise a family? Not likely!

    Here is a list of things that can go wrong and if you are away can cost you. This list is not everything that CAN go wrong. So, that alone. Should tell you something:

    Server crash.
    Hosting issues.
    Ads are re-reviewed and declined.
    Offer changes landing page and does not notify network.
    Offer changes landing page and new pixel is not placed for tracking.
    Offer Changes landing page and violates TOS of traffic and your ads are stopped.
    Traffic source has an issue and sends traffic that does not convert.
    Traffic source turns on all targets when you have them paused.
    Traffic source does not send notification of system maintenance and your campaign runs un-controlled.
    Traffic source is in-accessible when you need to control traffic spend.
    Traffic source adds new traffic pub and you get traffic you never expected in amounts you never expected.
    Tracking system corrupts DB/collapses/hacked.
    Credit Card needs verification before billing is allowed because your card company has set a new alert limit and payment is declined or denied tell verified.
    Email company accuses you of spam and shuts down your account.
    Network drops offer with-out prior notice.
    Email sent from Network ends up in junk-box and you miss an alert that an offer is now dead.
    You cellphone is dead and you miss a text or email alerting you to one of the above issues.
    SERP changes algorithm and your ranking site is now at the bottom or somewhere people wont see.
    Your automated software attempts to connect but cant so your campaign runs un-managed.
    Google shuts down your gmail account.

    There are many many more.

    I’m sure a whole book could be written.

    You can have human and software ways to deal with each. The point is… If you walked away and didnt check or have someone competant to monitor. You could see your money slip away until some limit is met.

    So, the “making money on auto-pilot while you sleep/work/vacation” has some serious flaws with-out proper structure and support.

    Keep that in mind the next time you ‘drool’ over a “push-button-money-machine” and that is not even getting into technical and money aspects of affiliate marketing. I will cover those in later posts.

    Money can be made and keep this in mind: If it was “easy” everyone would be doing it.
    If you go to any affiliate event and poll the populace you will see a very interesting spread on who is trying, doing, succedding and thriving. It is a small percentage in the thriving more many reasons.

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