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  • Do network owners want you to get banned ?

    Posted on August 10th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Interesting title, huh ?

    Well, it is because for quite awhile I have gotten “tip” emails from various networks sometimes owners that make me wonder if?!

    a. They actually run any campaigns?

    b. Is the only way they know how to run them black-hat?

    c. Are they delusional and just that out of touch with reality?

    The latest email from someone that usually has good information is soooo general that if a affiliate blindly follows it I am sure they will be banned with-in 24hrs from Google.

    No mention of what kind of offers or sites Google accepts vs. not.

    and I can guarantee that if you direct-link to a game offer that has  a down-loadable or a toolbar.

    Your campaign and offer will be short lived, as well as, anything else connected to google (want to do content or mobile in the future… forget it [unless you jump through serious hoops] once banned)

    then they go on to tell you to do CPV and how great that is.

    Again, with-out even mentioning that many of them WILL NOT allow download-ables,  .exe, tool-bars, pop-ups and sound.

    Which most if not all game offers have in them.

    Oh, and any mention of cost of traffic vs. payout. Nope!

    Hey, I have run and am running game offers on CPV, FB and have on google in the past.

    Yes, they are HOT!

    BUT and that’s a BIG BUT!

    If you do not follow the TOS of the ad plat-form AND network.

    You can expect to…

    1. Get banned or Have your account frozen and money kept.


    2. Not get paid on offers from traffic you HAVE paid for.

    So, honestly.

    I don’t know why a network let, alone a decent one, is giving half-truths in a field that if you p*ss of the wrong traffic source.


    I guess getting new identities and VM accounts are the “in-thing” now in IM?!

    and networks wonder why affiliates scam them with ‘cookie dropping’ ?

    Seems to me you encourage it by sending ‘lambs to the slaughter’

    Try telling them the down side and technical aspects of promoting an offer and not just the “why are you not making $10K a day.. ya loser” mentality that I see many networks have.

    Oh, and general information that can cost people their accounts.

    Maybe better that you don’t share the ‘knowledge’ or at least do them the service of telling them the down-side.

    Just IMHO.

    Trust No One
