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  • Lie #1

    Posted on April 6th, 2011 imveritas No comments




    Hmmm, let look closely at this.

    Even, if you have some of the most advanced automated software out there. Which costs thousands and since you are starting out or mid-level. That is outside your reach. That claim is greatly exaggerated. If, not fraud.

    I know of 3 different models for driving traffic.

    1. Paid Traffic.

    2. Free Traffic.

    3. JV or Joint Ventures.

    Each one of these takes time:

    Time to learn.

    Time to research.

    Time to implement.

    Time to monitor.

    Time to optimize.

    Now, ONCE you have been doing this for awhile (TIME) you CAN take some time away from the day-to-day tasks.

    I know people who check their campaigns and ski or travel, BUT that was AFTER much TIME put in to set-up and tweak AND if something goes wrong. It will take you more than just a few minutes to fix and if you do not catch it. The TIME could really add-up.

    So, if you are looking to have the life of beaches and ski trips.

    Get real.

    There is MUCH TIME you will have to spend before you get there and if you work multiply it by 4x-6x.

    Now, most people reading this have some experience and know this.

    This is for the brand new people that are lured by the “siren song” of ‘easy money and little time’

    If you really have a way that can really take only a few minutes a day, the average person can learn in the time frame they expect ( a few nights) and needs no previous Internet or computer experience. CONTACT ME:

    I would be very happy to be proven wrong and give your process or method or software the IMV thumbs up.

    Heck, Ill even pay you!

    Until that happens good readers. Keep your money in your pocket when you hear “that it takes only a few minutes a night to be a Internet millionaire or even a thousand-er” ;)


    trust no one

  • Stuggling in Internet Marketing? Maybe you were lied too!

    Posted on April 5th, 2011 imveritas No comments

    This will probably get me banned from many an Ad:Tech parties and Affiliate Summit, but I am sick and tired of the lies being told to people entering and who have been in the internet marketing space. Bookmark this spot because in the next 10days I am going to pull back the curtain and tell you ever little ‘sick’ secret that makes up this space. Why? because the more time and money people waste the more we are falling back and not moving forward as both a society and species.

    THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. if you accept that you are ignorant.


  • Win your own SUPER BOWL of Affiliate Marketing

    Posted on February 6th, 2011 imveritas No comments

    This is a short and sudden post.

    I know most are watching the superbowl right now.


    If  you have ever wanted to get the inside scoop & spy on display ads and contextual.

    Go to this link: Display Spy Tool RIGHT NOW!

    Even if you miss the special price. It will be worth it for you to check this out.

    I will go into more detail later and possible have an interview with the creator.

    For now. Consider this your “Hail Mary” Pass to success in online ads.


    Trust No One.

  • How to make more money all the time in anything.

    Posted on October 4th, 2010 imveritas 1 comment

    This is the 2nd part to the Mark Joyner and Simpleology series.

    I will let you know. This part and all future parts cost money.

    So, if you are not willing to shell out a few bucks. Skip this post.

    Now, why would you want to spend some money?

    Well, if you have not done Simpleology 101 (which is FREE.)

    Go back and do that.

    Maybe, you will see the genius in the simplistic and effective models that Mark has created.

    Now apply that to money making.

    Long before T. Harv Eker, Rich Schefren or Eben Pagan were showing IM how to structure an online business to make money.

    Mark was showing online marketers, as well as, off-line businessmen.

    How to focus on what made them money, systematize and automate their online & off-line income streams.

    How to really run an business vs. a flash in the pan.

    I have gone back through Simpleology 102 and again amazed at the simplicity, efficiency and effectiveness of Mark’s model’s.

    I can clearly see some holes that I have missed and already with just applying the method in the last few days have seen an income increase in the multiples.

    Its really hard to talk about what it is without giving it all away. Which kinda violates the whole concept of an info-product.

    What I can say is that if you want to see the most incredibly simple and at the same time all-encompassing philosophy and plan to stable wealth and money that has created many of the Guru’s to the Guru’s (for good or bad.) You owe it to your-self to check out Simpleology 102.

    I, can also, guarantee that if you apply his “River of Nile” Philosophy and 5 Laws of Money. Your business and income will increase more than any other system out there.Since, Simpleology 102 is the core to “Why” and “How” any other income system or business is profitable or failing. I have checked many, many, many over the years.

    I know that’s a pretty big statement and you also know if you follow my blog and know me I am very straight-forward, No-BS person. So, I am not going to waste your time or money with something that is not going to massively benefit you.

    Simpleology 102 the next step in your PERMANENT financial freedom.

    Oh, and Like any good product. If, not happy. Just ask nicely for a refund.

    Trust No One


  • The Death of Internet Affiliate Marketing

    Posted on September 22nd, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Stayed tuned.

    New Information on the FTC next move on affiliate marketing and this is huge.

    They have already had test cases and from my sources they are gearing up for the ‘big kill’ this season.

    My advice.

    Re-read the FTC links already posted in this blog and make sure you are following everyone of them.

    (FTC internet rules)

    I will post more as I get valid information, but be ready for a slap that makes the Google slap and Merchant account slap of 2009 look like child’s play

    What I do know is this will affect ad platforms, affiliate networks, publishers and advertisers.

    I called the last 3 changes 6 months in advance.

    Lets hope we have that much time this time.

    Oh, and one last thing.

    Re-Read your RICO act and anti-trust law. Make sure you understand them.


    ‘trust no one’

    p.s. for those complaining I am not giving sources.  Your choice. You can ignore the warning & links I do give and wait tell it “rains” :P

    Your choice. I am just here to help in a way I would want others to help me. If, you don’t like it. Then ignore it.

    btw. IF you do not have the FTC on RSS feed. You may want to consider it, as well as, a few internet lawyers who are on top of this sort of thing. As any good lawyer will tell you. “The law does not accept ‘ignorance’ as an acceptable excuse.”

    Know the rules of the “game” you play and the “masters” OR pay the price. And NO, this is not an endorsement.

  • What matters is what works. On all levels!

    Posted on September 13th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    It’s been awhile, since I have posted.

    A lot has happened. Directions have had to be re-engineered. New paths mapped and designed.

    It is interesting when life gives you options. Sometimes in the form not having an option. Which is still an option.

    I have decided after some interesting interactions to go back to the roots of my internet career.

    Because, you can look at life as limits and lack or you can look at life as possibilities and potentials.

    When I first started IM. It was back in the SEO, opt-in page, get-a-list days. (Not to different than what it is turning into again in some areas.)

    One of the people that impacted me most and many consider the ‘grandfather’ of Internet Marketing is Mark Joyner.

    His 1st ebook on SEO ranking had over 1 million downloads when he stopped counting in the late 90′s

    I have had the rare pleasure of meeting and talking with him in person now a couple of times, after being a student of his for many years.

    One of the things I have always loved about Mark, his mind-set and methods is breaking ‘things’; process and results. Into simple, efficient and capable steps and series.

    He, also, has an incredible view of the world. The levels to it and how it is all connected.

    So, after some projects not going as I had planned and even some doubt about this industry and people in it.

    I had a very candid talk with him. About many of the people and what was going on.

    It was eye-opening , if not shocking and down-right depressing at times.

    Until the end of the talk.

    I found talking to him and going back through the process’s that had worked so well for me in the past to be simply.

    Life up-lifting and affirming. (corny as It may sound)

    You may not be able to get irrational people and events to be rational or make any sense to anyone, but the people involved, BUT…

    You can chose to do the best you know, find better and make those around you feel good, as well as, your-self.

    The 1st course Mark put out was Simpleology 101 – “the simple science of getting what you want”

    It is deceptively simple AND like a true ‘surgeon of the mind’. Marks ‘cute’ little videos (all very short), quizzes (even shorter) and steps (shortest yet!).

    ALL change the brain and consciousness on subtle and life changing ways. Until you find yourself getting results and having ease that you didn’t know was even possible. At least not with-out a lot of effort or expensive coaches and consultants.

    The best part is… IT IS TOTALLY FREE !!!

    Simpleology 101

    Yes, you do need to put in your email and info to get it and use it, but unlike many gurus out there that do not walk there talk or send endless up-sells to someone else s course they have never tried.

    Mark is a true man of his word and values.

    If you want to see what he is about now.

    Check this link. Construct Zero

    If you want to start on the path to the most efficient way to make money and maybe even live.

    I can not suggest a more powerful process than. Simpleology 101 for FREE.

    There are additional modules that add to the system, BUT THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY FOR THE CORE RESULT!

    Though,  I will tell you.

    Whenever I get hung up or want to accelerate my climb and build my success’s even greater than before !

    The Simpleology courses are what I return to get my time, money and energy where I want them to be and every time. I far surpass what ever heights I had previously achieved.

    Oh, and it doesn’t matter your religion or slant in life. (Unless, you want to stay a victim.)

    His stuff works !

    And Remember..

    If, what you are not doing is not getting you the results you desire. Do something different. Insanity is a choice.

    Trust No One


  • Breaking News – Google gets Google Slapped

    Posted on September 3rd, 2010 imveritas 5 comments

    by the Texas Attorney General.

    The AT of Texas has opened up an anti-trust investigation on How Google ranks its search engine results.

    They do not believe Google is neutral and not lowering the rankings of their competitors.

    Finally! Some-one has the balls to question if Google is a Monopoly or if they have at the least gone to far.

    Oh, And this isn’t the little guy this is ‘dissing’ Yahoo/Bing and the government is concerned on how they are playing with each other.

    Maybe now, We will find out what Quality Scores are really based on?!

    I can not tell you how happy this makes me :)

    Trust No One, Including me.


  • Did I call it ? or did I CALL it !!!

    Posted on August 12th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Well broke the news.

    “FTC to Announce Action Against Internet Marketers of Acai Berry Weight-Loss Pills and “Colon Cleansers”


    I told you days ago and months ago. What to do.

    Know the TOS of your network, traffic & offers, know the Laws of Trade in your country and the ones you deal with, sell a real product with real value and know the history of your industry and others with regards to the gov.

    Since, If the gov. slap you.

    A Google slap will be the least of your worries.

    Funny thing is (or not so funny) I remember last year before ASE is when Google did their big slap and their #1 targets besides ringtones was ACAI and COLON CLEANSE!

    History repeats itself.

    Now, go read some Claude Hopkins and start telling the truth.

    You may not get the customers at first since everyone seems to like the “shinies”


    You will get the smart ones 1st and the ones who got burned. And that is a big piece of the pie.

    Who wants the idiots that keep buying into scams again and again?


    Right !

    The parasites that feed off of them for their income. :(

    (sad how many of them their are)

    I warned you before and I will post as the new laws unfold.

    This is NOT new and The President even warned earlier this year.

    “Sell crap and and we are gunning for you. Sell valid products and services. We are behind you”

    It will only get worse for the criminals.

    For the public. A new day is dawning on consumer law.

    Lets hope this time they read the disclaimers.


  • Smart Phones + Credit Cards for the USA

    Posted on August 2nd, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Just out !

    80% of 18-34yr olds would make purchases on their smart phones with a credit card !!!


    This is huge !!!

    Now that credit cards are going to marry easily with phones in the US like they are in ASIA.

    The new rush will be on.

    Do NOT believe the gurus !

    Read the industry journals since this is a highly regulated industry (They learned from fax and email advertising mess and you DO NOT want to piss them off!!!)

    Here is the guidebook from the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association)

    Know the rules before you charge in and get worse than Google-slapped



    Posted on May 6th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    This is a rarity that I post 2x in the same day. I am too busy doing to write.

    I am making an exception, since millions of buyers are trusting PAYPAL and having ‘false-sense’ of security that like their bank or credit card. If there is a problem PAYPAL will be their ‘knight in shining armor’



    I just got done with a 45minute talk with PAYPAL that was escalated up 3 levels.

    To sum it up and each level at PAYPAL told me this…



    So, any services, course, e-books, hosting… etc. etc. ARE NOT COVERED BY REFUND VIA PAYPAL!


    Stick with AMEX or your Major bank (though they can also NOT back you) if you buy ANYTHING you think you may want a refund on or have an issue with and even then. Contact them ahead of time and ask them their policy on refunds on non-physical items IE: service, ebooks and training.


    You have been warned. Have a nice day :)
