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  • Re-Hash, Hype or True Value

    Posted on August 1st, 2010 imveritas No comments


    If someone can show me a real question. I will give a real answer.

    Right now, the bots are doing the most commenting.

    Just ask your self this when you look at a new info-product.

    Is it…

    Re-Hash, Hype or True Value ?

    and if you can not get $10 back for every $1 spent after the learning and implementation curve ?

    Why are you doing that process/strategy/tactic/ business model ?

    Have you really checked out and seen what is free ?

    What has been tested ?

    Are you willing to test ?

    Are you waiting for someone to hand it to you ?

    Does that REALLY ever happen ?

    Too many people jump on the internet to make money and unfortunatly it seems it is easier to make money selling the dream and the ‘tools’ for the dreamers. Than anything with any real substance.

    I see many courses talking about the latest traffic or technique. All of them saying the up-side. None of them saying the down side and alot of people making traffic sources richer not knowing what they are doing and have un-realstic expectations.

    Think of  affiliate marketing as a real business.

    As,  a leader of SCORE (a service for entrepreneurs from SBA) mentioned in a recent article.

    “Few who start a business ever look at the skills sets and knowledge that are necessary to make it. Skills such as planning, financial management, record keeping, time and project management, understanding of taxes and many more. There are essential, as well as, the passion for what you do. PASSION IS NOT ENOUGH!!!”

    This harkins to what I have quoted many times from JFK. “Hope is NOT a strategy”

    So, what to do ?

    Honestly, read a book !

    The “Dummies guide to small business” is a good template to see what pieces you are missing. Talking to a CPA is another step in the right direction.

    Now, SCORE & SBA maybe behind the times in knowing what you are doing, but basic business practices and topics such as getting & managing credit, planning & business office set-up  will always be there. You just may grow faster and deal with more risks then many business’s and just like in martial arts. The basics are still the basics.

    Like most things in life.

    Treat it like a hobby and that’s all it will ever amount to.

    Plan it, build it and run it like a successful business and that’s likely to occur.


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