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  • Another reason you failure or succeed.

    Posted on April 14th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    I read again today that the biggest difference between those who make money and those don’t.

    Is whether they are tracking and optimizing and how  Accurate and Constant they are at it.

    On the internet you can track anything and everything.

    Government, institutions and high school students do it all the time.

    So, who doesn’t track ?

    Most online marketers at the beginning level?

    Sometimes is technical. Many times is ignorance and laziness.

    There is not one successful advertising company in the world that does not track every possible variable they can.

    Some even come up with new ways and add to the field of statistics and analytical research.

    If the super big boys are tracking and crunching numbers.

    Why aren’t you ?


  • Better than Money ? The TRUTH of What WORKS!!!

    Posted on April 12th, 2010 imveritas 2 comments

    So, the other forum I posted my strategy on is now on fire.

    You would think no one had ever posted anything of detail that works.

    The truth is few have.

    The forum owner comes closest and maybe 3 members, but even I have noticed exact details and long descriptions are now lacking and posts about favorite movies and stupid sh*t is now popping up.

    Who pays money each month to hear about stupid sh*t?

    I DONT!!!

    I pay to make back at least $5 dollars for every $1 I spend (and you should too!)

    So, here is the complete step-by-step Money making plan:

    15 Minutes to Fame: How to Make Money from 1000′s of targets in CPV/PPV and not Lose TONS of Money!!!





    1) find a trend. go to google insight and type in any CPA/CPS offer vertical or offer and you will see certain days, months, years are better.

    2) use a scrapper and pull all the keywords and urls related 10 deep (yes that will be a few thousand) Remove any that obviously are not specific and have high volume traffic IE: diet and

    3) set-up tracking whatever traffic source you are using

    4) pause your creatives NOT campaign while you  get your links and keywords approved

    5) set your caps for minium. I set mine for $10. Set your bids for 1-3 positions. (you need steady traffic to test effectively)

    6) once you have everything approved. UNpause your creative.

    7) watch the traffic very 15min. Get rid of any targets that are more expensive than your payout.

    8) after 15min. to 1hr you will see what targets have volume and maybe even conversions.

    9) pause ALL other targets you have and let this block of performing targets run for 2hrs.

    10) pause and optimize. then run optimized targets in next 2hr-3hr block of daily traffic.

    IE: 8-10am, 11am-1pm, 3pm-6pm, 7pm-10pm

    11) once you have a block of targets optimized you can run them at different time blocks and see if you can get a better ROI on time targeting segmentation.

    12) repeat process for each traffic source to scale.

    This Method maximizes targeting  for consistant volume targets and saving capital for actual performers!!!

    You find what has volume, what is making you money and stop wasting money on what doesnt convert or get traffic.

    You can set up 1000′s of these. Since, there are 1000′s of offers and 1,000,000′s of targets.

    There are some nuances I will have in the members section to make you more money.

    This should be a BIG START!!!

    Now, go get testing methodically ;)


  • Losing Money in Internet Marketing ? Maybe your Hosting!

    Posted on March 29th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Few mentions it, but monitor your CPU, MYsql and MEMORY load. Whenever, you start an offer or have heavy days.

    If, your hosting can not handle the tracking and the serving of pages. You are losing money.

    Your CPU load should  be below.5 and Memory usage below 10% a majority of the time.

    Ask you hosting company what is optimum for CPU and MEMORY for what you are running and your most active times.

    If, your tracking is showing one number the network another and your traffic a 3rd. That maybe the sign of an overworked server and you are missing visitors and you are paying for the traffic. A double waste!

    Make sure they are seeing you ads!!!

    If you can get a load balanced server and if you are doing enough bandwidth/traffic consider a CLOUD server. They are not only faster, but can be cheaper to run.

    Their are add-ons in Firefox that allow you to use Amazon S3 easily. Search of Add-ons will show the most current.

    I suggest having tracking on one server. Hosting your pages on another and Any program like LPGen on a 3rd.

    Hosting can usually be done with a VPS.

    NEVER GO SHARED! The cheap price is not worth the headaches.

    Not if you are serious or if you do. Make sure you can painlessly move everything to a VPS and then a dedicated.

    Tracking, serving of your ads and accuracy of your data are paramount to quick success and on going success.



  • How to test and scale properly

    Posted on March 28th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    1. Have a campaign that is ALREADY showing conversions at 3+ per target/keyword.

    2. Take only the most active converting keywords. Does not matter if ROI is + or -.

    3. Test the same ad copy + split and core converting keywords/targets on other traffic source.

    4. Give enough time (2weeks) or enough impressions or clicks (90% of payout.)

    5. Continue this with each traffic source you want to test. At the end of the test period you will know what traffic source to run that campaign on and what ones not to.

    6. Do not fight it.

    Traffic has demographics and interest beyond what they tell you . Always let the $$$ and the offer conversions let you know if you have a winner or not for a traffic source.

    7. If Direct linking. Split-test Landing pages with only a few variances. Unless, you are using tamaguchi testing.

    8. No matter what they say. Adding MORE keywords to a failing campaign of testing converting keywords is NOT the answer. If your traffic source says that. Ask for another rep. or move on. All they care about is their dollars NOT yours.

    (it can help to ask if their traffic is ROI or branding. Kontera was nice enough to tell me they are branding traffic NOT ROI. This saved me a lot of time and frustration.



  • Tracking Your Tracking

    Posted on March 25th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    OK, so enough of the “I told you so”

    Until some new level of idiocy occurs we are going to get into the pieces that make the difference.

    One of those is tracking your tracking.

    OK, you say. I have head of tracking, but tracking your tracking? What do you mean?

    What I mean is noting when you start a campaign and add new ads or keywords/targets is just as important as the ROI.

    I recommend using an excel spread sheet to note: start date, day of the week, traffic source, country, cost, aff network, offer and payout. Then going laterally add new dates when ever you add keywords or make a change.

    I would also recommend a Project Management Software. Use MS-Project only because I was an MS trainer and used to it and their GANNT charts etc.

    However you want to. Keep track of when you start and change your campaigns and this timeline of your offers will reveal some interesting patterns over time. More about that later on optimization and making money.

    Thats all today. Enjoy!


  • Internet Marketing Launch Satellite View

    Posted on March 23rd, 2010 imveritas No comments


    Since, I am not a blogger per-say. You will def. want to get an RSS feed to this blog. My postings will be fast, accurate and sporadic, but always constant (yes, I just did that linguist violation… get used to it. I am a thinker and doer and admit my grammar and punctuation stink)

    What you will find is bullets and factoids here and there under each Page which are also the Categorizes. Facts and info that are not everywhere else and actually work most the time if not ALL the time.

    These ‘nuggets’ of information will be what was, what is and what will be in Internet marketing and as you will see in time all marketing and commerce. What works.

    Lets start small…

    To get a great top down view of the industry and all the types of people in it. The best suggestion is a home town boys website.  A little gem called

    Here you will get a real taste of all the people and angles on the Internet marketing field. At least at our level.

    Spend  a weekend getting sucked into all the different posts forums and opinions. You may get overwhelmed, but that’s OK we are just exposing your brain to the world that is and could be.  No harm in knowing who you are playing with.

    Download the ‘free’ info they all have. That will give you a better idea of what is of value and what is accessible. Don’t spent any money or time setting things up or buying things. There IS a method to the madness. Make sure you use a ‘dumby’ email at hotmail, gmail, yahoo. You get the idea.  I would have 3 . Your personal you don’t let out at all. Your affilate for business and one for all the things you will get subscribed to and want to check out.

    Avoid getting sucked into the forums, dramas and illegal downloads. Remember, if you are reading and posting you are not doing and it’s all about the doing (and some learning) but mainly alot of doing.

    Anyone who is successful knows this and it is good to reminder to all of us. Edison was a GREAT internet marketer. 1% inspiration & 99% perspiration (we will talk about auto-mation too)

    OK, so thats the first nugget. If you know it great. If you dont. There you are.

    My posts will generally be short, since I have many projects to build, track, optimize and scale AND I will still take the time to get the VERITAS out.

    Thank You,
