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  • Diversify or Die!

    Posted on April 1st, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Happy Fools Day…


    If you put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t be surprised if you lose the whole hen house.

    It amazes me that people still gamble with fate with their lively hood.

    Time and time again I find that  ‘putting all your eggs in one basket’ is not just gambling, but plain stupid!

    In the movie “Days of Thunder” Nicole Kidman’s character chastised Tom Cruises character for taking “stupid risk.” Saying, “How arrogant men are to think they can control things that are far beyond their control.” As he lays in the bed broken after a horrific crash.

    Hosting, offers, traffic, networks and methods. ALL of them can go down or change and usually WITHOUT NOTICE!

    I just lost 2 days, because I gambled on the 100% uptime of a leading Hosting company and they failed and failed again.

    Luckily, I have spread my business out over 3 different hosts and at different levels.

    But, it just goes to show that paying top dollar and having guarantees does not make up for when things go wrong and money or data or time is lost. The last 2 are hard to get back.

    So, before you send everything through that one host, offer, traffic source, etc.

    Ask yourself, “What will happen if this goes down” and then have at least 2-3 workable alternatives.

    Make research and prevention part of how you run your business. Not hindsight and emergency’s.


  • Losing Money in Internet Marketing ? Maybe your Hosting!

    Posted on March 29th, 2010 imveritas No comments

    Few mentions it, but monitor your CPU, MYsql and MEMORY load. Whenever, you start an offer or have heavy days.

    If, your hosting can not handle the tracking and the serving of pages. You are losing money.

    Your CPU load should  be below.5 and Memory usage below 10% a majority of the time.

    Ask you hosting company what is optimum for CPU and MEMORY for what you are running and your most active times.

    If, your tracking is showing one number the network another and your traffic a 3rd. That maybe the sign of an overworked server and you are missing visitors and you are paying for the traffic. A double waste!

    Make sure they are seeing you ads!!!

    If you can get a load balanced server and if you are doing enough bandwidth/traffic consider a CLOUD server. They are not only faster, but can be cheaper to run.

    Their are add-ons in Firefox that allow you to use Amazon S3 easily. Search of Add-ons will show the most current.

    I suggest having tracking on one server. Hosting your pages on another and Any program like LPGen on a 3rd.

    Hosting can usually be done with a VPS.

    NEVER GO SHARED! The cheap price is not worth the headaches.

    Not if you are serious or if you do. Make sure you can painlessly move everything to a VPS and then a dedicated.

    Tracking, serving of your ads and accuracy of your data are paramount to quick success and on going success.

